Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Madsen Cycles Cargo Bikes

Madsen bikes is at it again, they are giving away A BIKE A WEEK. Click the link to find out how you can win one too!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

gDiaper Follow up

So, it's been a few weeks since I started using the gDiapers. I have a confession to make.
I dont use them as much as I want to. For me, its like working out;
I know it is a good thing to do, but actually doing it is a whole other story.
I have used them 20 or so times. I know this because I am 2 disposable inserts away
from being out. They are super easy and I have yet to have a clog. I am an expert at flushing
the nasties away and have even changed them while we were out in public.

The real reason I have not used them more is because my son HATES them. He freaks out
every time I put them on. There is something about the fit between the legs that he
doesnt like but I cannot figure out how to adjust them so he is ok with them.
I think that if he had worn them since day one, he would be fine. So that is the plan with baby #2, whenever that will be.
For now I will continue to use them with the flushable inserts. I plan on buying more gpants when I buy the refills and these(pictured) are the first on my list!

Have you tried gDiapers? If so, what do you think?

Friday, August 21, 2009

Last week I spent a couple of days anxiously awaiting the UPS guy's knock on the door. I was waiting for this:

My new Mia Moda Cielo Evolution to replace my old Cielo. This is the upgraded version of my old 'James Bond' stroller. I could not wait to compare the two!
New Features:
Arm rests-while it is not a full bumper bar, the arm rests are nice. Monkey Man thinks it is great to put them up and down over and over again and that keeps him occupied, so that is nice! Just remember to always fold them up before collapsing the stroller.
More padding- the padding seems thicker and the back pad seems wider
Easier recline method, also seems to go back further
Better Storage bag- with snaps instead of velcro, you don't have to worry about the bag falling off. It also has a neat zipper that gives you access to the bottom of the bag without pulling everything out.
Parent cup holder- while nice, I haven't used it yet because you have to take it off when you collapse the stroller. This is somewhat annoying since I haven't been able to get it to stay put in the storage bag while folded. So for now it hangs out in the car to be taken out the next time I go to the mall or county fair.
Matching strap pads- It seems silly but I was kind of annoyed when I had to go buy my own strap protectors when I got my stroller last time. Now it comes with them, which is nice since I am not sure I would easily find 'mint' strap protectors!!!
As always I love the super easy one hand steering and compact fold. So simple!

The only thing I would change about this stroller now is the sun shade. In sunny Florida it is not nearly big enough so I think I will be buying an extender soon.
In the end, I cannot recommend this stroller enough! Thanks Mia Moda, for another winner!!!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Co-Sleeper set up

No, Im not talking about Co-Bedding. I was never a fan of the 'family bed' scenario, I guess I was too nervous about rolling over Monkey Man, or just not a fan of giving up my bedtime activities. What we did decide to do was use a Co-Sleeper for the first 3 months of MM's life. I didn't put much thought into setting up our room, but I was pleasantly surprised at how wonderful it all worked out. It all started with an over sized chair and ottoman from an old sofa set I begged my husband to let us put in our room. Then came the Co-Sleeper that my sister set up for me before I came home with MM.
Each night I would set up the bottles and diapering supplies needed, plus make sure my stock of backup sleepers and swaddle wrap were safely tucked away in the pocket of the co-sleeper. You never know when you will have a nighttime blowout.
I bet you are wondering why I didn't just feed MM while in bed. One, I had a hard enough of a time Breast Feeding MM while awake and upright, I wasn't sure I could tackle laying down, super sleepy while trying to get him to latch on. Plus I had to supplement with bottles so sitting up was better for him and kept me from dosing off. Two, I have a husband that needs sleep to function. He is a lawyer that handles some pretty important documents, I know his clients would appreciate his being awake to work on them.
When MM would start to stir, I would just plop down in my super comfy chair, put my feet up and change, re-swaddle and then feed him till he was asleep and then wedge him back into the sleep positioner. Wham, Bam, thank you mam, and it was all done in 20 minutes! I could handle that two times a night!
To this day, my husband tells every new dad friend that the co-sleeper was the best thing ever invented!
Here are the elements that made my room so sweet:
Arm's Reach Co-Sleeper. It is a bassinet that attaches to your bed so they are sleeping next to you but not in your bed. It was nice in the paranoid, new mom stage.
Boppy Pillow, Swaddle Wrap The pillow is pretty straight forward, it wraps around your mid section to give you support while you nurse or bottle feed. the swaddle wrap(which I cannot find the link for.... I hope they are still around!) was the only one Monkey Man could not get out of and was actually tight enough on him! The purpose of any swaddle wrap is to make them feel like they are still in the womb and to help them from waking themselves up with their Moro Reflex(the startle reflex that sometimes adults get.... when you startle yourself awake).
Sleep Positioner: Helps the little ones from rolling all about in the crib.