Monday, July 6, 2009

Try this

Did you know that you can substitute yogurt for oil?

We live on yogurt in our house. Monkey Man eats muffins CONSTANTLY so I started to use Yogurt instead of oil when I make my 2-3 batches of muffins a week. I got this idea from the lid of our favorite yogurt, Stonyfield.
We also put yogurt mixed with milk in MM's sippy when he is on antibiotics and for weeks after. He thinks it is special milk and we call it "shakey" milk since it is his job to shake it all up!
He also eats it for breakfast a few times a week. When he was little and not quite the master of the spoon, I added infant oatmeal to the mix to make it thicker. He could grab it with his hands if he wanted, and I was happy because he was getting dairy and whole grains! As he got better with the spoon, I slowly backed off the oatmeal and now he get his yogurt straight up!

Want more awesome ideas for subsitution with yogurt? Download this picture below and tape it on your fridge for all sorts of awesome ways to bring a little more yogurt into your life!!

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